expecting baby #1... due 12.17.10!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So I guess it's been a month since the last update... oops! I feel like time is flying, and that this pregnancy is flying by too. I can't believe I'm almost to the coveted 24 week mark- when the baby is viable outside the womb. Of course I'd like for little J to stay in there a while longer!

Here's a belly shot back at 21 weeks before my cousin's wedding: (I didn't like my hair in any of them, so it's literally just a belly shot :)

I'm feeling pretty good these days- can't complain too much. The biggest new thing is not being able to get up from a laying down position without my back being all out of alignment and hurting. It probably doesn't help that our bed is SO soft, I always tell Mike we should get a sleep number bed, but I suppose that isn't currently in our budget :)

In other news, it looks like the Waggoners will soon be sporting new vehicles. Well maybe not new, but new to us :) I've been driving my 2 door Honda since I graduated from high school, and we knew we'd have to give up Cindy the Civic (yes, that's right) once we started a family even though it's in pretty good condition. Mike's car, on the other hand, has seen a LOT of miles from all his commuting while I was in nursing school, and has seen better days (to say the least) and doesn't seem like it'll be very reliable for much longer. So we are currently looking into our options for 2 reliable family cars (that's weird to say) that won't break the bank. We'll keep you updated!

In much more exciting news.. we got Jonah's crib!! We already had the bedding- so of course we had to run out and get his mattress so we could put it all together! I love the way it turned out- and Mike did such a great job putting it together. Here are some pictures!

I can't believe how close we are getting to meeting our little guy! He is becoming SO active, especially in the mornings and late at night. Or maybe that's just when I notice it the most since I'm laying down. Whenever I'm having a bad day all I have to do is feel my belly or look at my sonogram pictures, and it turns everything around!